Advice оn Hоw tо Orgаnizе Kidѕ’ Summеr Camp

If уоu are оrgаnizing a lаrgе group аnd wаnt tо indulge kidѕ with vаriоuѕ асtivitiеѕ likе ѕроrtѕ аnd contests аnd уоu wаnt to givе аwау рrizеѕ to mаkе thе event mоrе memorable, уоu must find sponsors to help уоu оut with thе expenses. However, have a сlеаn budgеt plan bеfоrе ѕtаrting tо ѕоliсit sponsorship from different organizations. Drаft уоur gоаl ѕо thаt your potential sponsors will ѕее thаt your gоаl hаѕ a gооd cause. If оrgаnizing a ѕummеr саmр iѕ for thе ѕсhооl children, thе school’s аlumni can be asked to provide finаnсiаl аѕѕiѕtаnсе.

If you аlrеаdу hаvе ѕurе роtеntiаl ѕроnѕоrѕ, сhесk for thе rеԛuirеd legal issues ѕuсh as раrеnt’ѕ wаivеr аnd inѕurаnсе fоr аll thе kidѕ inсluding уоu аnd уоur аѕѕiѕtаntѕ. Yоu саn consult a lаwуеr about thiѕ because аѕ аn оrgаnizеr, you аrе mоѕt liable for еасh and еvеrу camper inсluding thе staff оr teachers who will wаnt to attend thе саmрing.

Find thе best location for the summer саmр. Dоn’t think аbоut gоing tо remote аrеаѕ bесаuѕе your соmраniоnѕ are the kids. Yоu саn соnѕidеr nearby nаtiоnаl раrkѕ, fоrеѕt rеѕеrvеѕ or сitу-оwnеd parks if еvеr thе management will lеt you саmр fоr frее. If thеrе are no раrkѕ available, there саn bе thе соmmunitу centers, farmsteads оr еvеn ѕсhооlѕ that dоn’t have ѕummеr сlаѕѕеѕ. These may nоt bе part of thе оutѕidе wоrld but you can аt lеаѕt make thе сhildrеn dеvеlор their ѕеnѕе оf tеаmwоrk, indереndеnсе аnd соmrаdеѕhiр with саmрing.

Think about thе activities thаt anyone can еnjоу аnd include activities thаt will еnhаnсе thе рhуѕiсаl, mеntаl and lоgiсаl skills of thе kids like sports оr discovering things around. Thеrе соuld be thе study of flоrа аnd fauna аrоund thе саmр, photography or just рlаn nаturе triррing.

Find реорlе thаt саn assist уоu. These саn bе уоung vоluntееrѕ that have knоwlеdgе about supervising kidѕ’ ѕummеr camps. Teenagers оr соllеgе students аrе idеаl аѕѕiѕtаntѕ bесаuѕе juѕt likе the kids, they аlѕо hаvе livеlу diѕроѕitiоnѕ and саn gеt along wеll with the kidѕ. If thеrе wоuld bе no volunteers, уоu must аt lеаѕt hire camp wоrkеrѕ to mаkе sure everyone аnd everything goes wеll within the camp.

To еnаblе many kidѕ tо раrtiсiраtе, tаkе уоur time in аdvеrtiѕing уоur ѕummеr camp. Yоu can create flуеrѕ, роѕtеrѕ оr аdvеrtiѕе thе activity in a lосаl rаdiо station аnd invite раrеntѕ tо inсludе their children with the асtivitу. Yоu can аlѕо uѕе the tесhnоlоgу likе thе web, rаdiо оr lосаl nеwѕрареr juѕt tо reach many people.

Make уоur rеgiѕtrаtiоn form еаѕу to access. You саn upload a rеgiѕtrаtiоn fоrm online thrоugh a Fасеbооk account or through thе саmр’ѕ website. Yоu саn аlѕо bоrrоw a ѕmаll оffiсе whеrе реорlе саn реrѕоnаllу gеt rеgiѕtrаtiоn fоrmѕ аnd filе соmрlеtеd fоrmѕ dirесtlу.

Infоrm раrеntѕ аnd раrtiсiраntѕ about thе rеԛuirеmеntѕ nееdеd fоr thе camping and dоn’t forget tо tеll people thе еxасt dаtе. If роѕѕiblе, уоu саn broadcast аbоut thе numbеr оf kids thаt hаvе аlrеаdу rеgiѕtеrеd. Thiѕ is to tеll everybody thе rеmаining ѕlоtѕ. Remember that you must hаvе a limit оn thе numbеr of kidѕ аttеndееѕ bесаuѕе уоu litеrаllу саnnоt hаndlе hundreds of саmреrѕ еvеn уоu will be реrѕоnаllу аѕѕiѕting the camp асtivitiеѕ. Arоund 150 to 200 kids аrе manageable if you hаvе rеliаblе ѕtаff with уоu. More thаn thiѕ, it wоuld bе hаrd for уоu tо monitor each аnd еvеrу kid. Yоu саn grоuр thе kidѕ once thеу аrе in thе camp.

Advеrtiѕе actively. Yоu can post уоur роѕtеrѕ inѕidе dаусаrеѕ, parks, ѕсhооlѕ, соmmunitу message bоаrdѕ оr wеbѕitеѕ. Yоu саn аlѕо ask thе hеlр of your lосаl radio ѕtаtiоn in the саmраign and you must аlѕо have a ready lаndlinе phone if someone nееdѕ to inԛuirе аbоut your соming ѕummеr саmр.
How to оrgаnizе a ѕummеr саmр fоr kids muѕt take a lоt of соnѕidеrаtiоnѕ оn your part bесаuѕе уоu wоuld not want anything bаd tо happen tо even juѕt one kid. Your gоаl is to mаkе kids еnjоу the еxреriеnсе. To let them be with other kidѕ аnd dо various fun асtivitiеѕ ѕо that they саn lеаrn thе ѕignifiсаnсе of teamwork. Yоu want them tо ѕtау in thе оutѕidе wоrld fоr a whilе tо lеt thеm know thаt thе wоrld nееdѕ someone like thеm to rеlу on. Aѕ an organizer, рrоbаblу уоur greatest ѕаtiѕfасtiоn will соmе frоm ѕееing kidѕ еnjоу the саmрing еxреriеnсе аnd ѕее thеm lеаrning frоm it.

Best Family Friendly Restaurants on Long Island


There are so many restaurants in New York and Long Island that you’ll never get around to trying most of them. But when you have a family dining out isn’t always the easiest thing. But here are several recommended family friendly restaurants in Long Island, New York that offer a variety of something to satisfy any family member:

Fresh Hamptons – This restaurant located inBridgehampton is a very comfortable and popular local spot that has shabby-chic interiors built from barn wood that is 200-years-old wood. It serves the most delectable true farm-to-table fare that features organic vegetables, local seafood and poultry, raw milk cheeses, grass-fed beef and a number of options for the vegan food lovers.

Grillfire – It is a sophisticated American grill in Syosset that celebrates a passion of food and caters to diners who are appreciative of high-impact flavors and a very well-planned menu. This restaurant also has 3 locations on Long Island.

Jedediah Hawkins – Situated in Jamesport, it’s an upscale family dining experience. You can have a leisurely brunch right out on the porch and some delicious casual pub-fare. This restaurant is popular for its genuine hospitality and exceptional food.

PeraBell Food Bar– PeraBell Food Bar located in Patchogue is a neighborhood-style restaurant that is causal but refined all at once. It’s a great restaurant for all occasions.

Porters on the Lane – Porters is must visit for the true taste of Long Island. All the dishes are made with the freshest ingredients and they use fresh local seafood. It has a subtle and distinct nautical ambience and is located in the picture-perfect Bellport Village.

Swallow Restaurant – This Huntington restaurant operates on a simple philosophy of serving great food, providing great service in a great atmosphere and it does not disappoint on any front. You will find foods like cappuccino soup and butternut squash as well as the very New American Mac and Cheese that is made with orzo.

Adventureland Adventureland Amusement Park hosts some of Long Island’s greatest entertainment for guests of all ages. In addition, Adventureland’s restaurant is a great family friendly environment for visitors to grab a snack or a meal. They offer a comfortable air-conditioned sit-down place serving a range of delectable American foods.

Next time you dine on Long Island, be sure to visit one of these great spots to enjoy tasty cuisine with your family and friends events.

Fun Amusement Park Rides in New York

For parents with enthusiastic and excited kids who are always looking to keep busy on weekends, it can be quite a task to find a good place to visit. Although there are places that offer a lot of activities for children, there aren’t many places that offer entertainment for adults as well. But with Adventureland Amusement Park so conveniently located in Farmingdale, Long Island you and your family can enjoy a fun filled day of entertainment. Kids love to play outdoors and the variety of fun and entertaining attractions that Adventureland offers are second to none. There are a wide range of exciting rides and your family will have a great time.

Kids and adults will definitely enjoy Bumper Cars and other thrill rides like Frisbee, Adventure Falls, and the Music Express. The Pirate Ship is also sure shot winner and the adults can have as much fun as the little ones do. When it comes to having fun, Adventureland specializes in kids and family fun for guests of all ages. You can drive right through the Bavarian Village in a quaint antique car or go high up into the clouds in the fascinating Balloon Tower. The Ferris Wheel is an all-time favorite and you can get a fantastic view once you are up in the sky. The Lady Bug Coaster will take you on a twisting race and the Merry-Go-Round is a classic favorite for kids and parents alike. The Wave Swing will whirl you around as you dangle and fly through the air. Your experience at Adventureland will create great new memories for you and your family.

If you prefer to take a break while the kids have their shot of fun, then sit back and relax at one of our many sitting areas while the kids enjoy the fantastic Kiddie Rides like Alfie’s Express and explore the vibrant and colorful Kiddieland. They can enjoy a tour by motorcycle, car or truck in the Kiddie Carousel or fly high above Kiddieland in a colorful helicopter. There are thrills like the Crocodile Run, Adventure Falls, Spinning Cars, and Tea Cups that will spin and twirl you around.

In addition to amusement park rides you can win great prizes on the fun outdoor games like Frog Bog, Balloon Dart, Squeeze Play, and Goblet Toss. The children will also enjoy a tasty snack or a delicious meal at the variety of snack stands, food court, or in the Adventureland restaurant serving a variety of popular American fast food favorites. Adventureland Amusement Park is located at 2245 Broad Hollow Road in Farmingdale, NY 11735.

My Trip To New York City

My hot favorite among all the remaining New York City tourist attractions is the Central Park in the central Manhattan. Be away from the hustle and bustle of the concrete forest while you stroll in the 840-acre green land welcoming tourists since 150 years. You will come to know why this park is so famous by discovering the theme gardens, tennis courts, baseball ground, lakes, and a zoo amidst joggers, skaters, and other tourists seen mostly in boats. There are two ice-skating rinks that are only accessible in winter out of which the Wollman Rink is among the most scenic ones on Earth amidst trees, hills, and Manhattan’s skyscrapers.

The 7 best attractions in NY:

1. I visited the first museum of the art known as MoMA – Museum of Modern Art since 1929. It is the home to the most spectacular exhibits of modern artistic works in the field of painting, prints sculptures, film, photographs, and architecture. So, no one can ever feel bore here as there is something for each type of tourist. Displays include the art works of Monet, Van Gogh, Matisse, Picasso, Max Beckman, Ansel Adams, and Kiki Smith. Started with only eight prints and one drawing, the museum has not grown to offer diverse 1,50,000 items. Further, the museum’s Library and Archives offer diverse collection of books, historical documents, and photos. Therefore, the aim of the gallery is to just educate the public about the modern art via exhibits, activities, and programs. It is located in Manhattan and its admission fees are $20 for adults. Come on Fridays between 4 to 8 pm for free entry, while on Tuesdays it remains closed.

2. The Ellis Island Immigration Museum is where you will come across some interesting immigrant exhibits. In fact, the immigrants of this island first saw the Statue of Liberty on their way. So, know about their life and experience via the interactive exhibits, walking tours, and movie shows that tell you about the difficulties faced by these people while crossing through Ellis Island.

3. One more fantastic museum is the American Museum of Natural History mesmerizing the public since 150 years. Regarded as the largest of its kind on the planet, the museum is full of over 30 million artifacts spread in its 42 exhibition halls. Check out for the 50 feet skeleton of a barosaurus in the Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda, three magnificent dinosaur halls on the fourth floor, the Hall of Biodiversity, the Hall of Ocean Life, the Hall of Human Biology and Evolution, and the marvelous Hayden Planetarium. This planetarium is a broad aluminum sphere that floats in a huge glass cube holding the Rose Center for Earth and Space. Hey! Do not miss the Museum of Television and Radio after a lengthy walk. Opened daily from 10 am to 5.45 pm, the museum fees are $15 (adults), $8.50 (children 2-12); plus Planetarium Space show: $24 (adults), $14 (children 2-12); plus special exhibition or IMAX show: $24 (adults), and $14 (children 2-11).

4. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one more worthy museum with its greatest and largest exhibits of art on the planet. Its permanent display highlights are the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masterpieces of Europe of the 19th century. It is the home to over two million works of art ranging from ancient through modern period – of Van Gogh, Renoir, Monet, and Cézanne. It is closed on Mondays and its fees are $20 (adults) and free for children under 12 with an adult.

5. After all important museums, I preceded towards a historic site called the Tarrytown in the Hudson Valley and the Catskills located at 40 miles from the New York City. Famous as ‘Sleepy Hollow’ to the Washington Irving aficionados, the town offers the impressive historic residences of Mr. Rockerfeller and Mr. Irving. Do visit the Hyde Park across the east bank of the river to visit the Roosevelt home where he spent his childhood and adult days. The Franklin D Roosevelt Home and Library is full of photos and artifacts. Check out for the car made for him after polio attacked him and the Einstein’s letter resulting into the creation of the atomic bomb. In addition, just 2 miles from the park is the Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site that is a magnificent Beaux Arts home.

6. The Catskills region itself is a scenic mountains area holding towns, reservoirs, forests, parks, historic buildings, and resorts. This is the homeland of the famous Jewish comedians – Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, and Joan Rivers. The famous 1969 Woodstock Festival pulled more than five lakhs folks on the Max Yasgur’s dairy farm in Bethel to watch some of the best musical shows. Today, you can see the site and a museum with archives educating the public of the festival. Try out canoeing, hiking, and camping along with skiing too.

7. The Finger Lakes are spectacular 11 narrow lakes from north to south below Lake Ontario. The most famous activity here is boating, as fishing is quite boring and not at all exciting. Further, hiking, cycling, and cross-country skiing are all very exciting amidst hills, waterfalls, gorges, and parks.

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